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Together we can change lives

How can you get involved?

Medical and surgical teams

Do you have skills in any medical area? And are you willing to serve on a mission trip to Guatemala? Contact us and we can connect you with one of our teams.

When participating in any of our teams, you will have the opportunity to help people who are less fortunate and this adventure will change your life.

Installation of stoves

Anyone who has the desire to serve can participate in this project. In the stoves and water purifiers project, you have the opportunity to interact with the Poqomchi’s, Q’eqchi’s and Achis families, enter their homes, and learn about their culture and lifestyle.

Distribute food to the program for widows and the elderly

In this program we take care of widows and the elderly by carrying out motivational activities, such as singing, bringing food, praying and reading the bible together, which allows us to bring some happiness to the elderly people who have been abandoned, or who live in extreme poverty. In this activities you only need to have a desire to serve and love the elderly.

Visit to children of the Nutrition Program

In this program you just need to have a desire to love and serve God’s children. In this program, we bring words of encouragement to families of the children in our nutritional program and share the Good News with them.

Vacation Bible School

If you like to teach children the Bible, play games, do crafts, and want to have the experience of working in the remote communities of our country, contact us. Together we can bring the good news of salvation and leave the seed that will surely one day bear fruit.

Support in construction of the medical center or housing

Do you want to join our team in completing the construction project? If you have any skills in electricity, plumbing or know how to work in construction, and you want to come and serve by supporting this project, we invite you to be part of this construction and to share this opportunity with others. We are praying that God will guide us and provide for each need of the project.