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About Us


AVIS Guatemala, is a christian, non-profit, non-political organization that watches over the welfare of low-income families in the area of Alta Verapaz, via Education and Health programs to promote development with the help of local and foreign volunteers, glorifying God by serving others.

Our Projects

Medical Teams

Nutrition Program.

Senior Program.

Scholarships and Sponsorships

Stove Program

Our Team

Our team is genuinely committed to the Vision and Mission

Accounting/ Scholarships and Sponsorships

Licda. Susana Ortiz

Spiritual Ministry Director/Supervisor.

Francisco Salguero

Executive Director

Ing. Agr. Rudy A. González.

Project coordinator

Wilbert Maas

HR / Public Relations

Licda. Berta de Hernández

Project assistant

Eduardo Laj

Together we can help many people

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