New patient in the Nutrition Program
At the beginning of October, we were pleased to integrate a new patient in the nutrition program: Jonathan Hernández. He is originally from the community of Cunén in the department of Quiché. To visit him we had to travel for more than two hours, we delivered the first bottles of formula and a special nipple, and we trained the parents so that they can feed him properly.
Visit to Quixalito
In one of our first visits to the Quixalito community to coordinate the delivery and installation of improved stoves and water purifiers for ten families, we visited each house to see where the stove will be located and the families gave us their commitment to only use this new stove and no longer cook the other way, because we know that cooking over an open fire is a very big problem for health; It is something very harmful to the respiratory system.
Eswin's graduation
Eswin Toc, is a young man from Tucanja community in San Cristóbal Verapaz, since he was born, he has suffered from spina bifida, and due to a lack of financial resources, a few years ago, he had to abandon his studies. Now, we are happy to share with you that Eswin is one of the outstanding young scholars despite his limitations. He has been part of the program for two years, and thanks to God and to Eswin's efforts, this year he has finished with the primary level. We continue to pray for Eswin's life, for him to achieve his academic goals, as he dreams of going to college.