Second Mission Trip Faro de luz Church
Another blessed mission accomplished!!
It was such a great blessing to serve besides our brothers and sisters from Faro de Luz Houston Tx. church, in which we had the privilege of visiting two communities in San Cristóbal Verapaz, where we had installed improved stoves, water purifiers, delivering food baskets to widows. We also had two Vacation Bible Schools for about 437 children, also we had medical clinics where we were able to see about 95 patients that we treated with medications.
Second Mission Trip Faro de luz Church 2023
Progress of the construction of the Medical Surgical Center
We keep ahead with the building of the Surgical Center, step by step we keep progressing, very soon we will be pouring the concrete for the roof. We are very grateful to God and to the people who support us in some way. We also ask you for prayers for this project. This will be a great blessing for families in need from Guatemala.
Scholarship program
We are very thankful with God for his faithfulness and provision, we have finished another academic year. We also want to express our sincerely gratitude to everyone for your unconditional support to the education program in wich we empowered young people to serve God and their neighbors.