Nutrition Program
Every month we are blessed to meet with each child who is part of the nutrition program. In this meetings we monitor each baby and provide them with the basic supplies for their integral growth.
Contruction of Medical Surgical Center
We want to thank each one of you who are supporting us in some way. Each day we continue to advance step by step. We are now casting columns in order to move to the last phase of gray work. Then we will start with the finishes.
Mission Trip Tapestry Church 2023
The visit from our brothers and sisters at Tapestry Community Church was a great blessing for the communities of San Cristóbal Verapaz. We were able to install ecological stoves, water filters, and deliver food bags to the elderly. Most importantly, we prayed and shared the good news of salvation with each of the families we visited.
Mission Trip Tapestry Church 2023
Mission Trip 2023 Remnant church, Alabama.
Together with our brothers and sisters from Remnant Church from Alabama, we blessed families in three communities with medical clinics, improved stoves, water purifiers, and food baskets to widows and the elderly. We also participated in the praise ministry in local churches in San Cristóbal Verapaz. We are very grateful to God and to Remnant Church for lovingly and serving families in need.