Construction progress of the Surgical Medical Center
Day and night we continue working to make this dream come true that will benefit many
Guatemalans in need, from remote communities. We have managed to advance with:
construction authorizations, planning, earth movement, retaining walls, perimeter walls, water tanks among others. And at the beginning of this year, thank God, we started with the main construction.
Scholarship program
We had the blessing of once again sharing with Donal, a native of Santa Ana panquix who was part of the scholarship program. Our goal with Donal is to support him in fulfilling his academic dreams and empowering him for a better standard of living. During our visit we had a joyful moment with Donal and his adoptive family, with whom we prayed together and shared the love of Jesus.
For I, Jehovah, am your God, who holds your right hand and says to you: Do not be afraid, I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Beginning of the 2023 school year
After several days of coordination, this month we welcomed young people from different communities who have started their classes with great enthusiasm. We are happy to be part of their academic training, since our desire is to empower and train young people with a desire to excel, so that they can be leaders who glorify God and promote development in their community.
The Lord says: I will instruct you, I will show you the path you must follow; I will give you advice and watch over you. (Psalm 32:8)