Avis Guatemala

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AVIS Guatemala/Living to Serve

AVIS Guatemala/Living to Serve

AVIS Guatemala, is a christian, non-profit, non-political organization that watches over the welfare of low-income families in the area of Alta Verapaz, via Education and health programs.

Last weekend, we welcomed our brothers and sisters from Crosspoint Church/Mision Vida Nueva who with much joy in their hearts they visited widows and the elderly to sing, pray and share with them the love of Jesus, they also deliver food bags! It was such of blessing to work with Crosspoint church/MVN.Glorifying God through serving others. www.avis.org.gtEl pasado fin de semana, le dimos la bienvenida a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Crosspoint Church/Mision Vida Nueva, Quienes con mucha alegria en sus corazones visitaron a Viudas y ancianos para cantar, orar y mostrarles el amor de Jesus, a la vez hicieron entrega de bolsas de alimentos!Glorificando a Dios por medio del servicio al prójimo. ... See MoreSee Less
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Foto de portada de Reviving Hope ... See MoreSee Less
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Today with all the students from the education program, we celebrate the Independence Day of our beautiful country, we had different authentic bites.Thank you very much Casa del Jade and One World Unity Project Inc. for supporting these young from remote communities of Alta Verapaz to achieve their academic dreams. Some day, they will graduating, to be better servants. www.avis.org.gtHoy con todos los jóvenes del programa de Educación , festejamos a nuestra bella Guatemala, con platillos y sabores guatemaltecos.Muchas gracias Casa del Jade y One World Unity Project Inc. por apoyar a estos jovenes de comunidades remotas de Alta Verapaz a alcanza sus sueños académicos. Muy pronto ellos se graduaran y podrán servir de mejor manera a nuestro bello país. ... See MoreSee Less
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We are very grateful to God and we give Him all glory for all His provision. We also want to express a special gratitude to Crossroads Fellowship Church and Pastor Andy Glover. For the love that they show to the families of Guatemala.Each of these 30 families cooked on open fires, breathing the smoke that caused them many lung and respiratory diseases.This Week, they have received a ecological and efficient stove and a water purifier that will allow them to prevent many diseases.www.avis.org.gtEstamos muy agradecidos con Dios y le damos toda la gloria a El por su provisión. Asi mismo, también queremos expresar un agradecimiento especial a Crossroads Fellowship y Pastor Andy Glover, por el amor que demuestran a las familias de Guatemala. Cada una de estas 30 familias cocinaban a fuego abierto, respirando el humo que es causante de muchas enfermedades pulmonares y respiratorias.Pero esta semana, han recibido una estufa ecológica y eficiente y un purificador de agua que les permitirá prevenir muchas enfermedades. ... See MoreSee Less
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